Rotating cube promo Left Flank Vets faces and other promotional such as Bingo


Good Morbin Everybody!


Home of the C-Spammin BINGO — Get in!!!
8 days a week – 7 AM

C-SPAN call-in line is a direct channel for viewers to express their views, respond to current events, or ask questions. It provides an opportunity for those at home to engage in public discourse, making their voices heard. Analyzing the content and tone of these calls could, theoretically, provide an indication of how effectively the media is shaping public opinion.



7 AM

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Morb in the Morbin!
A man with long dreadlocks, wearing glasses and a cap with the letters 'LA'. He is seen gesturing with his right hand, possibly in a welcoming or explaining gesture. He is seated in front of a microphone, suggesting he might be in a recording or broadcasting setting. The background is plain and light-colored, emphasizing the subject.
A bingo card titled 'C-Spammin BINGO'. The card is divided into squares, each containing various images and text. Some of the notable images include a person wearing a MAGA hat, the word 'Based', a silhouette of the IRS, and a depiction of 'The Big Lie'. The textual elements include phrases like 'Fake News', 'Debt', 'SCOTUS', and 'Wake Up'. The overall theme of the card seems to be political, with references to various political figures, movements, and slogans.
Morb in the Morbin!
Morb in the Morbin!
A man with long dreadlocks, wearing glasses and a cap with the letters 'LA'. He is seen gesturing with his right hand, possibly in a welcoming or explaining gesture. He is seated in front of a microphone, suggesting he might be in a recording or broadcasting setting. The background is plain and light-colored, emphasizing the subject.